Hiltermann Lease Groep
Lease & Finance Solutions
About us
Hilterman Lease Groep
Hiltermann Lease Group is an independent leasing company, focused on SMEs in the Netherlands. It manages a portfolio of 122.500 contracts, ranking it among the top 10 car leasing companies in the Netherlands. Hiltermann Lease Group was founded in 2004 and is located in Hoofddorp.
Hiltermann Lease Groep has a balance sheet total of 2,1 billion Euros and an annual turnover of approx. 241 million Euros. Hiltermann Lease Groep currently consists of a team of 240 employees.
Its management consists of Michel Akerboom (CEO), Petra Jansen op de Haar (COO) and Peter Verberne (CFO).
The Supervisory Board consists of Boudewijn Hiltermann, Richard Monahan and Enrico Buggea.
Hiltermann Lease Groep has been growing successfully during the past few years and the expectations for the future are positive.
Last update: January 2025

For our current lease activities, we kindly refer you to: